- â–¼ Coursebooks
- â–¼ Textbooks
- â–¼ Picture Books
- â–¼ Big Books
- â–¼ Songs & Chants
- â–¼ Alphabet/Phonics
- â–¼ Vocabulary/Grammar
- â–¼ Software for Making Materials
- â–¼ Readers
- â–¼ Dictionaries
- â–¼ Teaching Aids
- â–¼ Puzzles
- â–¼ DVDs
- â–¼ Cards/Card Stock
- â–¼ Lesson Plans
- â–¼ Stickers & Stamps
- â–¼ Classroom Items
- â–¼ Books on English Education
- â–¼ Japanese
- â–¼ Babies/Toddlers/Preschool
- â–¼ Application

• 1 CD / 78 min. recordings of 29 songs / includes song cards
Supervised by Keiko Abe-Ford
29 SONGS are recorded!
1  Hello!
2  Let’s Sing Together
3  Eency Weency Spider
4  Ten Little Witches
5  Head, Shoulder, Knees and Toes
6  ABC Steps 
7  I’m a Little Teaï½ot
8  Colors 
9  Five Little Monkeys
10  Days of the Week 
11  Twelve Months 
12  Bingo
13  What Are You Wearing?
14  Are You Hungry?
15  The Bus Song
16  Ha, Ha, This-a-way
17  Two Little Blackbirds
18  Row, Row, Row Your Boat
19  Old MacDonald Had a Farm
20  Do You Know the Astronaut?
21  Humpty Dumpty
22  If You’re Happy 
23  Hickory, Dickory, Dock
24  Ten Fat Sausages
25  My Bonnie
26  Jingle Bells ~Christmas song 1~
27  O Christmas Tree  ~Christmas song 2~
28  We Wish You a Merry Christmas ~Christmas song 3~
29  Good-bye to You
30~58 Karaoke(Song 1~Song29)
59  Bonus track: London Bridge