
Upcoming Events

Workshop 2020 Spring : SUN 23 Feb in Osaka / SUN 1 Mar in Nagoya / SUN 8 Mar in Tokyo

*Nagoya and Tokyo events have been postponed *

~To be a successful school in the long run~


Learning from a long-serving teacher :  How to teach the 4 key skills in English-language school



■Osaka SUN 23 FEB ’20  12:00~16:50

■Nagoya SUN 1 MAR ’20 12:00~16:50  postponed

■Tokyo SUN 8 MAR ’20 12:00~16:50 postponed


★ON DEMAND: 16-31 MAR *penciled-in



Teacher Kierryn, the presenter of 2019 Autumn seminar will discuss lessons from Elementary to Junior-high school levels.

Also, we will respond to many teachers’ requests about preparing for a new school year, via the following topics:

★Teaching ideas with each textbook for the first two months of a new school year.

★Tips to create a class with children.

★How to advise parents and students.



WORKSHOP SCHEDULE *Exhibition booth opens from 11:45 

12:00~12:25 Meet ‘n Greet  Meet and greet the teacher Kierryn!
12:30~13:20 How to develop key skills with “Learning World”  ~classified by level (textbook) and age~ 

・Presenter: Kierryn  (Osaka & Nagoya), Hiromi Kawahara (Tokyo)

~10min break~

13:30~14:20 【Activity1】 Build a foundation in the early elementary levels * To “WELCOME~Book 1″   

~20min break~

14:40~15:30 【Activity2】 Lessons with a sense of achievement to prevent a slump *Book 1,2,3  

~10min break~

15:40~16:20 【Avtivity3】 Why “BRIDGE” is recommended for the 5th grade? How to teach using a textbook with rich content. *Book 4(BRIDGE)
16:20~16:50 Let’s Share!  ~Share your thoughts and ideas~


non-reserved seats only ★beverage permitted entry to the venue ★There will be a coffee service♪




・5 minute walk from Yodoyabashi station / Midosuji Line (Exit 8)
・5 minute walk from Yodoyabashi station / Keihan Line (Exit 19)
・5 minute walk from Kitahama station / Sakaisuji Line (Exit 2)



・3 minute walk from JR Nagoya station (Taikodori Exit)


■Tokyo (SUN 8 MAR) : TKP TOKYO NIHOMBASHI Conference Center [Hall5A]

・1 minute walk from Nihombashi station / Asakusa Line and Ginza Line (A1 Exit)
・4 minute walk from JR Tokyo station (Nihombashi Exit)

(Please note Osaka and Tokyo venues will be different from 2019 AUTUMN event)

All items 15% OFF
at Exhibition booth! Credit cards accepted. Delivery service available.



Fun Raffle

There will be a raffle after the “Let’s Share” (Question Time) with useful prizes for lessons



  *Applications are processed on a first come first serve basis
■WORKSHOP attendance fee:3,300yen ( ★APRICOT Mate member price : 2,200yen (

★Apply and pay online from here!  

▼Advance payment at Post Office (郵便振替)
■WORK SHOP attendance fee : 3,300yen (tax included)
★Learning World registered school /APRICOT Mates Member price : 2,200yen (tax included)
【account number (郵便振替)】 00130-8-401317  account holder : アプリコット出版株式会社
※Please complete the payment with the name of attendee(s) up until 3 days before each event date. *Attendance fee at reception on the event day will be 3,500yen (incl. tax)


Presenter: Kierryn Bowring(YELLOW HOUSE, Ishikawa/Learning World registered school)

He has been teaching English to kids from toddlers to junior-high students using “Learning World” for about 15 years since he established his school in 2005.  Brushing up on his teaching style continuously to meet the changes in generations and trends.


ON DEMAND service for people who won’t be able to attend the venue is scheduled from the 16th to the 31st of March 2020. The recordings at Tokyo venue will be available on demand. You can play the video as many times as you like. It is available 24 hours a day throughout the service duration!

■ON DEMAND Price : 3,300yen (tax included)

■WORKSHOP attendance fee + ON DEMAND option : 4,400yen (tax included)  

Click here to order and pay online 

Learning World WORKSHOP 2019 Spring

What can ESL schools do?

What kind of lessons are required for the future?


Have your students express more!


Benefits of small classes. Achievement from continuation.
Focus on individuality. Pile up small success and guide to use English more and more.Teachers from registered schools of Learning World, will share the direction of English education.


Dates and Venues

SUN 24 FEB 2019 10:00~16:30 (Nagoya)



SUN 3 MARCH 2019  10:00~16:30 (Osaka)

TKP OSAKA YODOYABASHI Conference Center Hall A


SUN 10 MARCH  2019  10:00~16:30 (Tokyo)

TKP TOKYO STATION Central Conference Center Hall 10A


Program (Click to enlarge)

★All seats are non-reserved. Samples of Learning World textbook and workbook will be set at each table.
★Food and drinks can be consumed inside the halls during the lunch break(12:00-13:00)


Presenters (Click to enlarge)

◆Morning program

・Nagoya – Waki Yumiko and Kierryn Bowring


・Osaka – Kaetsu Koichiro and Manta Yukako


・Tokyo – Akai Seiko and Kawahara Hiromi

・Presenter at all venues – Matthew de Wilde


◆Afternoon program (13:00~)

Learning World WORKSHOP by Matthew de Wilde
Hiromi Kawahara will join the lecture at Tokyo venue.



ON DEMAND service for people who won’t be able to attend the venue is scheduled from 18 March to 14 April (pencil-in)

Cost : 3,500yen (you can play the video as many times as you want during the service duration!)

The recordings at Tokyo venue will be available on demand. Please follow APRICOT homepage or official LINE@ account for updates.

Online order and  payment : Click here


Shop with 10% discount at venues!

■WORKSHOP attendance fee : 3,500yen (tax included)
★Learning World registerd schools/APRICOT Mates Member : 2,500yen


Pay at post office (郵便振替)
【account number】 00130-8-401317
【account holder】アプリコット出版株式会社
*Please complete the payment with the name of attendee up until 3 days before each event date.

Click here to order and pay online


2018 Teaching Skills Seminar – How to use APRICOT’s texts

2018 Teaching Skills Seminar will be held on December 2nd  (Sun) ; lectures on how to use Learning Word, Picture Books and new materials from APRICOT! 


■ Date/Time:2018 December 2(Sun)  12:30 ~17:00(TBC)

■ Venue TKP Tokyo Station Central Conference Center, Hall 11 A (1 min walk from Tokyo St.)


*11:15~12:00  Group Consulting Time 〈extra charge〉*For more information, please see below of the main program.

12:30~13:20 Learning World series guidance 
10 Useful Advice for teaching with Learning World
13:30~14:15 Advanced teaching skills on Picture Books   
14:40~15:30 How to use Phonics to develop reading skills
15:40~16:30 What you need and how to use APRICOT’s various materials
16:30~17:00 Net-working time for information sharing with teachers

★ Please seat yourself. A sample text of Learning World 9 is placed in each table.

★ Food and drinks are OK and you can have lunch in the hall. 


Special Features


1. Let’s share ideas and information of teaching skills.

To keep high performance on English education is very tough, and it could be achieved with various factors; teacher’s passion, proficient skills of teaching, students’ motivation, cooperation of parents, good class environment, etc.

This seminar could be a fruitful chance for you to share your thoughts with other teachers who are also using same texts and struggling everyday to seek better class than yesterday. Please don’t miss this chance!  


2. Live streaming of the event will be provided. 

For those who are raising kids, those who are difficult to visit the venue in Tokyo, we are planning to stream live on the event. Details will be announced later.

* Sessions 1-4 will be streamed.


3. New materials will be announced. 

Dialogue Cards!! Phonics!! … and more!!


4.All visitors will receive special presents that can be used for lessons.


Gift 1 – Learning World’s plastic sheet
15 messages for students on the front and the logo from Learning World on the reverse side!


Gift 2 – Alphabet poster
comes with an access code to the song!


The special presents are only for the event day and not for sale.



▼The exhibition section is also set in the hall! 
[Exclusive offer]
– Buy any 3 picture books and get a 53 characters sheet from picture books!
– Pre-order ABC Phonics Karuta and get a “abcd Chants” picture book! (will be sent off on 10 Jan 2019)
●●●All material 10% OFF. Credit Card Payment is OK. Don’t miss this opportunity!●●●


【講師紹介】◆Matthew de Wilde 先生(東京・世田谷 Hello Kids講師)

英会話スクールHello Kidsの人気講師。今年は3歳~15歳までを教え、Matthew先生と離れがたいがゆえにスクールをやめない生徒続出。公立小学校で11年教えた後 pre-school、幼稚園、小・中学生、大人のビジネス英語も担当。Learning Worldは生徒の発話を引き出すのに最適と判断し長く使用し続けている。「APRICOT児童英語教師養成講座第6期」修了生。生徒の発話とcreativityを引き出す天才。アプリコット出版ホームページにてブログ掲載中!


◆Hiromi Kawahara  (APRICOT English Education Adviser)

レクチャ―依頼が後を絶たない英語教育アドバイザー。長くアプリコット教材の活用法をわかりやすく伝授すると共に、日本で英語を教える全ての人に気づきとエールを送っている。文科省発行のLet’s Try, We CanにはHiromi先生が公立小で指導した実践内容が色濃く反映されている。2018年8月時点で教員研修、指導講評の回数は、のべ313校にのぼる。現在は教師養成と英語コーチとしても活躍中。


■Fee: 3,000 yen(tax included)

【郵便振替口座】 00130-8-401317   口座名:アプリコット出版株式会社

★ APRICOT Mates 2,000yen(tax included)

What’s APRICOT Mate?  Teachers who have completed APRICOT Teacher Training Course for Teaching English to Children and/or teachers of Learning World Commended School.⇒⇒ CREDIT CARD PAYMENT: e-APRICOT




Optional session・・・・

Special program for small group discussion!

11:15 –12:00  Group Consulting Time 〈additional fee


It is a special program to consult with APRICOT English Education Adviser, Ms. Hiromi Kawahara, to discuss about your class problems in the small group. 

【Application】Please indicate “Group Consulting” in the comments space when you register this event through our website.

■ Fee:1,000 yen (tax included) *Required advance application and payment.

■ Capacity : Up to 15  (first-come-first basis)

*Please send us your inquiry in advance to organize the group consulting smoothly. 

*This special session, Group Consulting, is an additional choice only for the applicants of the main program. 



★10 Useful Advice for teaching with Learning World★

The 10 useful advice express the very core of Learning World education. We recommend participants to read it in advance of the event. 

Register Here

2018 Learning World WORKSHOP    2/25, 3/4, 3/18

Workshop from 10:00~16:30
Schedule &Venue :

■Nagoya 2/25 (Sun)  
Place: TKP Meieki Higashi-guchi Conference Center Hall 13D

■Osaka 3/4 (Sun) 
Place: TKP Garden City Osaka Yodoyabashi  Banquet 10B

■Tokyo 3/18 (Sun) 
Place: TKP Tokyo Station Nihonbashi Conference Center Hall 4B

●●●All material 10% OFF at each venue! Don’t miss this opportunity!●●●

■Fee: 3,500yen(tax included) ★*APRICOT Mates 2,500yen(tax included)
★What’s APRICOT Mate?  Teachers who have completed APRICOT Teacher Training Course for Teaching English to Children and/or teachers of Learning World Commended School.

【郵便振替口座】 00130-8-401317     口座名:アプリコット出版株式会社
 1 10:00~
Learning World series guidance
By Hiromi Kawahara
 2 10:30~
・Titles to use: PINK  YELLOW  BLUE  BOOK1
By Matthew de Wilde, Yukako Manta
Lunch Time
 3 13:30~
・Titles to use:  READY  BOOK2  BOOK3
By Matthew de Wilde, Yukako Manta
 4 15:20~
・Titles to use:  Book 4 BRIDGE  Book 5 TOMORROW
By Matthew de Wilde, Yukako Manta

 5 16:20~
Question Time   
Let’s ask Matthew-sensei, Yukako-sensei, Hiromi-sensei

・Programs 1 in Japanese ・Programs 2-4 in English and Japanese

【Presenter】 :

◆Mr. Matthew de Wilde (東京・世田谷 Hello Kids講師)
英語教師歴23年。幼児~高校生に教え、私立幼稚園の正課、企業英語講師もこなす敏腕講師。アプリコット出版ホームページInsights from Matthew’s Classroomで生徒の発話やcreativityを引き出す様々なアイデアをシェアしている。
◆Ms Yukako Manta  (大阪清教英語学校 副校長)
Learning World使用歴22年。同シリーズ著者中本幹子先生のスクールで7年間務めた経験を持つ。幼児~中学生の日々のレッスンで常に生徒たちの自尊心を高めながら英語を指導することを大切にしている。萬田先生の素顔って? 

◆Ms Hiromi Kawahara  (APRICOT English Education Adviser)
event_Wilde海外での日本語教師を経て英語教師として幼児~中学生に英語を教える。教育委員会と協力し研究校等公立小約310校で教員研修、指導講評の経験をもつ。APRICOT セミナー講師としておこなうアドバイスが人気で先生方からの相談は後をたたない。

Register Here

2017 Learning World WORKSHOP    11/12, 11/19, 12/10

Workshop from 10:30~16:30
Schedule &Venue :

■Tokyo 11/12 (Sun) Tokyo / Yaesu 
Place: TKP Tokyo Station-mae Conference Center Hall 4B
■Osaka 11/19 (Sun)  Osaka / Yodoyabashi
Place: TKP Osaka Yodoyabashi Conference Center Hall B
■Nagoya 12/10 (Sun)  Nagoya  
Place: TKP Garden City PREMIUM Nagoya Shinkansenguchi banquet Hall 3A●●●All material 10% OFF at each venue! Don’t miss this opportunity!●●●

■Fee: 3,500yen(tax included) ★*APRICOT Mates 2,500yen(tax included)
★What’s APRICOT Mate?  Teachers who have completed APRICOT Teacher Training Course for Teaching English to Children and/or teachers of Learning World Commended School.

【郵便振替口座】 00130-8-401317     口座名:アプリコット出版株式会社
 1 10:30~
Learning World series guidance
By Hiromi Kawahara
 2 11:10~

~Developing identity and self-esteem with English communication
By Matthew de Wilde
・Titles to use: READY
Lunch Time
 3 13:00~

~Furthering originality and creativity with English communication
By Matthew de Wilde
・Titles to use:  Book 2/ Book 3
 4 14:50~

~Applying all skills to authentic English communication
By Matthew de Wilde
・Titles to use:  Book 4 BRIDGE/ Book 5 TOMORROW
 5 16:10~
Question Time   Let’s ask Matthew-sensei

・Programs 1 in Japanese ・Programs 2-4 in English

【Presenter】 :

◆Mr. Matthew de Wilde (東京・世田谷 Hello Kids講師)
◆Ms Hiromi Kawahara  (APRICOT English Education Adviser)

Register Here

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