
Upcoming Events

2016 Learning World WORKSHOP    2/28, 3/6, 3/13

 H ow to get your students into reading

Learning World users – Come along!

Workshop from 12:00 -16:50   Booth open from 11:30-18:00

Schedule &Venue :

★Osaka: 2/28(Sun)  Yodoyobashi

Place: TKP Osaka Yodoyabashi Conference Center  B1  Hall B

Nagoya: 3/6(Sun)   Nagoya Station

Place: Nagoya TKP Garden City Nagoya Shinkansenguchi   4F  Hall A

Tokyo: 3/13(Sun)   Tokyo / Yaesu 

Place: TKP Tokyo Station-mae Conference Center    4F Hall4A

All material 10% OFF at each venue!  Don’t miss this opportunity!

*At all 3 events, 11 :30 OPEN!
Sessions start at 12:00. Please be on time!

11:30~ Exhibit Booth OPEN! Mini Bookfair
Freely browse through the teaching materials ♪ 
12:00~12:30 Why are we teaching English?  What should we aim for?          
12:30~13:40 First Step to independent Reading (Preschool to Lower Elementary) Titles to use:WELCOME BLUE/Learning World Book 1
13:50~15:00 Beginning to Read (Middle Elementary) Titles to use:Learning World Book2
15:20~16:30 Advanced Reading (Upper Elementary) Titles to useLearning World Book3 /SPRINGBOARD (Readers)
16:30~16:50 Time to Share    Let’s ask Matthew-sensei

●See videos of lessons from Learning World series!
●Programs 2-5 in English

Capacity : 100 seats (order of arrival)

Fee: 3,500yen(tax included)   *APRICOT Mates 2,500yen(税込)

★What’s APRICOT Mate?  Teachers who have completed APRICOT Teacher Training Course for Teaching English to Children and/or teachers of Learning World Commended School.

【郵便振替口座】 00130-8-401317     口座名:アプリコット出版株式会社


LWWorkshop2016INFO LW Workshop 2016 Venue

⇒⇒ LW Workshop 2016 INFO

⇒⇒ LW Workshop 2016 Venue 

【Presenter】 :

Mr. Matthew de Wilde (Hello Kids –LW Commended School in Tokyo)event_Wilde在日20年。公立小学校で10年間英語を教え、その後Pre-School、小学生、幼稚園、中学生、高校生、大人まで、あらゆる年齢層のクラスで教えるベテラン”カリスマ”英語教師。日本人の性質を熟知した上でクラス内での発話を徹底して増やし、顕著な成果を上げている。 「APRICOT 児童英語教師養成講座 第6期」修了生。中本幹子先生のフィロソフィを知り、その後Learning World シリーズと多読教材、PENMANSHIP(CD-ROM) を駆使してレッスンを展開。


Ms Hiromi Kawahara  (APRICOT English Education Advisor)
event_Wilde英国で日本語教師の経験を持ち、日本では教育特区下の教育委員会アドバイザーとして東京都内の公立小学校での取り組みに精力的に関わる。教員研修、指導好評の依頼も多い。「APRICOT児童英語教師養成講座」ではうるとらうっち~先生と同期。APRICOT主催のイベントでは10年にわたり絵本、多読、Learning World 他、さまざまなレクチャーを担当。Hiromi先生ファン多数。プライベートでは2女のママ。

2015 Learning World WORKSHOP (Tokyo, Osaka, Nagoya)

This workshop will help you use Learning World even more effectively! It’s full of ideas to get better results.
Videos from 4 real classes so you can see how the strategies really work! Lots of detailed lesson ideas that you can take back and use in your class: how to get kids to speak up,
how to deal with kids’ reactions, how to use the textbook,
etc. Don’t miss this opportunity!!


Osaka: 2/22(Sun)  Yodoyobashi

Place: AP Osaka 4F, South Room

Tokyo: 3/8(Sun)   Tokyo / Yaesu 

Place: TKP Tokyo Nihonbashi Conference Center Yaesu TG Building 4F, Hall 4B

* Can access from either Tokyo Station or Nihonbashi Station. (Be careful! There is a similar building nearby.)

Nagoya: 3/15(Sun)   Nagoya Station

Place: Nagoya Dia Building #2 Room 242


*At all 3 events, 12:00 OPEN! (10 minutes earlier than previous events)
Take your time to browse through materials and ask questions.
Sessions start at12:50. Please be on time!

12:00~ Exhibit Booth OPEN! Mini Bookfair
Freely browse through the teaching materials ♪ 
12:50~13:30 Learning World series guidance: what you need and what you need to know.
From WELCOME PINK, YELLOW & BLUE through Tomorrow

By Hiromi Kawahara
13:30~14:55 Learning World Book 1Learning World Book 2
15:05~15:45 Learning World Book 3 
16:00~16:40 Learning World for Tomorrow
16:40~17:00 Active Use of Learning World: Experience exchange

●See videos of lessons from Book 1, 2, 3, and Tomorrow!!!
●Sessions 2~5 on the program will be in English.
“This workshop is in English. Teachers of all nationalities ― Come along!”   by Matthew-sensei

マシュー撮影making1 マシュー撮影making2


【講  師】

◆Matthew de Wilde 先生(東京・世田谷 Hello Kids講師)(プログラム2~5担当)
event_Wilde在日20年。都内の公立小学校で10年間英語を教え、その後Pre-School、小学生、幼稚園、中学生、高校生、大人のビジネス英語まで、あらゆる年齢層のクラスで教えるベテラン”カリスマ”英語教師。日本人の性質を熟知した上でクラス内での発話を徹底して増やし、顕著な成果を上げている。 「APRICOT 児童英語教師養成講座 第6期」修了生。中本幹子先生のフィロソフィを知り、その後Learning World シリーズと多読教材、PENMANSHIP(CD-ROM) を駆使してレッスンを展開。幼児でも中学生でも子供達の発話とクリエイティビティを引き出す。2014年秋のLearning Worldワークショップに続いて登壇。


◆河原弘実 (アプリコット英語教育アドバイザー)
event_Wilde英国で日本語教師の経験を持ち、日本では教育特区下の教育委員会アドバイザーとして東京都内の公立小学校での取り組みに精力的に関わる。教員研修、指導好評の依頼も多い。「APRICOT児童英語教師養成講座」ではうるとらうっち~先生と同期。以来うっち~先生と親交を深めている。APRICOT主催のイベントでは10年にわたり絵本、多読、Learning World 他、さまざまなレクチャーを担当。Hiromi先生ファン多数。プライベートでは2女のママ。2年間の育休を終え、2014年4月APRICOTに復帰。
▼展示コーナーも充実! 普段手に取ってご覧いただけない商品もズラリと並んでいます!
■参加費: 3,500円(税込)
★Learning World 認定校/APRICOT Mates会員は 2,500円(税込)
【郵便振替口座】 00130-8-401317     口座名:アプリコット出版株式会社

Learning Worldシリーズは、日本の子供達向けに作られた中本幹子先生著のコースブック全9巻。
First book、 “WELCOME to Learning World PINK“(3~5歳対象) で「おはよう」から「おやすみ」までをトピックに、ボールを使った歌やパジャマの歌を歌い、英語に慣れ親しむところからスタート。Final bookの”Learning World for Tomorrow“(小学校高学年~中学生対象) では習った英語を駆使して「市長演説」や「絶滅の危機の動物」について考え、英語で書くなど、英語を自由に使えるレベルを可能にします。視野を世界に広げ、子供達が「考える楽しさ」、「自分と相手を肯定すること」を英語のレッスンを通して体感することで、どんな文化に出会ってもその文化を認め、自分の文化に誇りをもち、堂々と自分の意見が言える子供達を9年間にわたって育成する教材がLearning Worldシリーズです。


Q: Learning World シリーズに興味はあるのですがまだ使っていません。それでも参加できますか?
⇒Learning Worldをまだお使いでない方、これから先生になろうとお考えの方、他のシリーズを使用中の方、どなたも参加可能です。当日は受講生の先生方の机に、当日閲覧用のLearning Worldテキストをご用意しますので、実際のテキストの中を見ながらレクチャーをお聴きいただけます。


Register Here

Learning World Workshops for Users (Fall 2014: Tokyo, Osaka, Nagoya)

For teachers using Learning World!

~ Learn through videos of real lessons ~

plaza_002_image10  LW  flowchart

This workshop is aimed at teachers who are already using Learning World, to help them make their classes even more effective! Teaching methodology, ways to get good English output from students in lessons, attitudes towards children, and ways to eliminate confusion are some of the key points that will be covered.

Matthew de Wilde was a popular presenter at our 2012 workshops! He is a teacher in Setagaya-ku, Tokyo, teaching children from preschool through junior high school. We are very pleased to have him as a speaker for this year’s workshops! Matthew-sensei’s workshops are a must-see for all teachers using Learning World!

Learn the“Dos and Don’ts”: classroom rules and teaching strategies to get good results and get children speaking in English.

●Tokyo: 11/9 (Sun.) 11:00 ~ 16:00 Venue: Kyorin Nishishinjuku Building (Tokyo, Nishishinjuku)

●Osaka: 11/16 (Sun.)11:00 ~ 16:00 Venue: AP Osaka South (Osaka, Yodoyabashi)

●Nagoya: 12/7 (Sun.) 11:00 ~ 16:00  Venue: Nagoya Daiya Building #2, Room 222

■ Presenter: Matthew de Wilde (Teacher, Hello Kids, Setagaya-ku, Tokyo)
matthew new
Matthew-sensei (also a musician) sets a good pace in his workshops, which are easy to follow and understand. This year’s workshops will show real videos from recent classes. Enjoy seeing and learning from what happens in Matthew-sensei’s real classes.
■ Fee: 3,500 yen (incl. tax)
★ Learning World Schools / APRICOT Mates special price: 2,500 yen (incl. tax)
◆ These workshops are ideal for the following teachers!
“I feel like my lessons have gotten into a rut, and I need to make some kind of drastic change.”
“I’ve used the Learning World teacher’s guides, but I would really like to get more ideas from someone who is using the series to improve my lessons.”
“I want to learn how to use levels that I haven’t taught yet.”
“I want to do a better job of explaining to the parents about the text and how it works.”
Registration through the “Inquiry” page, select the box for “Event Registration” ★
★ Presentation in English. Detailed program information coming later. ★


Learning World for Beginners Seminars (Fall 2014: Tokyo, Osaka, Nagoya)

2014 Learning World Seminar!!

Learning World’s 9-year Curriculum:

When and what to teach?
What you need, and what you need to know.


Learning World’s 9 book series is not a traditional pattern practice textbook; it is a course designed to raise children who can confidently express themselves in English. The series is designed for children from 3 years old through junior high school 1st grade. The contents of each book take into careful consideration the developmental stages of children, class configurations, and class management needs.
This workshop is ideal for teachers considering Learning World for the first time, teachers who are thinking of switching textbooks, and teachers who are trying to decide on a new textbook. This workshop will help you understand Learning World and how it is different from other materials. You will have the chance to learn about the philosophy, when to use what book, how to use the materials, and what you need and how to use the materials effectively.
◆Dates and Times◆
●Tokyo: 11/8 (Sat.) 13:00 ~ 16:30 Venue: Kyorin Nishishinjuku Building (Tokyo, Nishishinjuku)
 ●Osaka: 11/15 (Sat.) 13:00 ~ 16:30 Venue: AP Osaka North B Room (Osaka, Yodoyabashi)
●Nagoya: 12/6 (Sat.) 13:00 ~ 16:30 Venue: Nagoya Daiya Building #2, Room 222
Presenter: Hiromi Kawahara (APRICOT English Education Advisor)
Fee: 2,000 yen (incl. tax) (No APRICOT Mates discount)
【Post office account number】 00130-8-401317
Account name: アプリコット出版株式会社 (APRICOT Shuppan Kabushikikaisha)

※ Please use the post office payment form.
※ Please make sure to include the names of all participants on the payment form.

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