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These small 7mm stickers have a cute smiley design! Their small size makes them perfect to use with the ATTENDANCE CARDS, or with the PROGESS REPORTS or CHALLENGE CHARTS in the Learning World series!
* From Learning World 1, there is a Challenge Chart on the back of the PROGRESS REPORT. For every question a student answers, you can give the a sticker to put on the Challenge Chart.
* You can also use them to cover the page number circle on the PROGRESS REPORT once students have successfully recited a chant/song/dialogue.
* You can also use these stickers to keep track of attendance used with the ATTENDANCE CARDS.
Their small size gives them great versatility!
About using the PROGRESS REPORTS and Challenge Sheets (in Japanese)
- All stickers are 7 mm in diameter
- Total of 384 stickers:
- Gold stickers/ 96 stickers
- Silver stickers/ 96 stickers
- Orange stickers/ 96 stickers
- Green stickers/ 96 stickers