◆Science 3-1 Nests 鳥の巣
Word Count: 66
Dictionary Words: albatross, oriole, owl, penguin, stork, swallow
Key Sentences: Look at this penguin. (oriole/ stork…)
Where is its nest?
◆Science 3-2 Shapes all Around いろいろな形
Word Count: 68
Dictionary Words: ball, building car, food, house, refrigerator
Key Sentences: Look at this building. (house/ car/ …)
Can you see the squares(triangles/ circles…)?
◆Science 3-3 Ways to Cook 料理の仕方
Word Count: 63
Dictionary Words: barbecue, bread maker, oven, pizza oven, toaster, wok
Key Sentences: What is this? It is a toaster. It cooks pizza. (bread/ vegetables/…)
◆Science 3-4 What Can You See? 何が見える?
Word Count: 69
Dictionary Words: canyon, delta, desert, island, mountain, valley
Key Sentences: Look at this photo. It is a desert. What can you see?
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