
  • 年齢別商品一覧
5歳から始めるノンフィクション。音声CD付。「PRIMARY PUBLISHER OF THE YEAR」連続受賞のMacmillan Education Australia刊。 オーストラリアでは小学校のESLクラスで使われています。

■ マクミランオーストラリア 刊
・4冊入 /本のサイズ 19cm×15.5cm
・1冊のページ数: 16ページ


◆Science 4-1  Animal Coverings  動物の皮ふ

Word Count: 82
Dictionary Words: feather, fur, hair, shell, skin, spines
Key Sentences: It has fur. (feathers/ hair/ skin/…)
The fur protects the polar bear.

◆Science 4-2  Bad Weather  悪い天気

Word Count: 84
Dictionary Words: fog, hail, lightning, rain, snow, tornado
Key Sentences: Rain can be a bad weather. You can get very wet when it rains.

◆Science 4-3  Kitchen Tools  キッチン用品

内容:Doing Work
Word Count: 80
Dictionary Words: beater, grater, knife, pot, whisk, wooden spoon
Key Sentences: This is a (tool). You use a (tool) to (do what).

◆Science 4-4  Wooden Objects  木でできているもの

Word Count: 80
Dictionary Words: blocks, chair, guitar, pencil, table, toy plane
Key Sentences: This is a guitar. It is (They are) made of wood. Children play with….

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