Advice Box

Let’s Share! One-point Advice

Vol. 43 Ideas and methods for a trial lesson?

Please advice some ideas and methods for a trial lesson?
Here is a popular activity for children in the beginners level.


“Let’s Make a Face” (3 to 10 years old)



Using different parts  in various colors,  sizes and shapes.


TMLet's make a face (Reference: Teacher’s Manual English) *Click to enlarge


Pick a face and explain what it looks like. Kids guess which face is the teacher talking about, they will be excited to hear how the faces that they made will be explained.


After the activity, listen to  chant:Let’s Make a Face  and repeat the target words. (Face parts in this case.)


After the lesson, explain the purpose of the lesson to the parents.

  1. Importance of expressing one’s thoughts.
  2. Importance of being creative in a situation without solid answers.
  3. Improvement in listening skill
  4. Importance of enjoying the topic with chants.
  5. Importance of knowing foreign looks : eyes and hair in different colors.

While talking to parents, kids can draw faces using their imagination.


This activity is included in “Learning World Book 1 Activity Sheets 90”.

Click here for more details


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Color Kyogu No.31 Let’s Make a Face  order online