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Vol. 44 Recommendable picture books for trial lessons?

Which picture book do you recommend for a trial lesson?
Here is a lesson example with Vol.2  A Beautiful Butterflypicture book.


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All 10 of our picture books are suitable for trial lessons. Each book contains character formation through the language education. With these picture books kids can enjoy guessing what to expect next.


A Beautiful Butterfly” is one of the most popular books among different ages.


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Every time you turn the pages, let children guess what the caterpillar will eat on the next page. It is okay for kids to guess in Japanese, the teacher can translate and teach the words in English.




Prepare some photo copies of the coloring butterfly before the lesson.




After the reading, children can color the butterfly in the way they think it’s beautiful. If the trial lesson is run by two teachers, one can talk to their parents about the lesson while the other teacher helping kids to color the butterfly.



After coloring, children introduce their colored butterfly to the class, saying “This is my beautiful butterfly”


Cut the butterfly out and make a paper puppet with chopsticks. This will be a souvenir from the trial lesson.

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