Advice Box

Let’s Share! One-point Advice

Vol.53 YELLOW and BLUE are composed of songs and chants, they seem like a short course.

YELLOW and BLUE are composed of songs and chants, they seem like a short course.

The short dialogues in each unit are useful in different situations. Whenever there is a chance to use the dialog, students should review and repeat the line so they can use the sentence naturally. The list below is some lines from WELCOME YELLOW and BLUE. There are so many dialogues that can be used in the classroom or on a daily basis, use the lines they have learned as much as possible. Teachers should give students various situation and lead the dialogue so they can follow.

□Are you ready? OK.  □Whose turn? It’s my turn.
□Here you are. Thank you. You’re welcome.   □What is …’s name?
□I like… How about you?   □Whose …it this? It’s mine.
□Let’s… That sounds good!   □Do you have…? Yes, I do. I have…
□Do you like…?   □Where do you live?
□Are you hungry?    □Watch out!
□How is the weather?  □I’m finished! Show me. Good job.
□Listen to me. We are listening!   □Can I have a bite?
□May I come in? Yes, you may.   □How did you come here? By….
□Here’s some …    □What do you want? I want …
□Open the…. Sure!

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